Can Chewable Vitamins Help With Cosmetic Surgery Recovery?

Can Chewable Vitamins Help With Cosmetic Surgery Recovery

Vitamins like Vitamin B5 and minerals are a great way to give the body its missing nutrients. At some point, you might have drunk these supplements rigorously. However, there are instances such as surgeries that may limit your vitamin and mineral intake. Recovery after a procedure may take a lot of time. Hence, many people worry about the process of healing time for cosmetic surgeries like rhinoplasty. You may want to speed up the recovery by using chewable vitamins. But, doctors warn against any vitamin and mineral intake before and after an operation. What are the other guidelines for vitamin intake for those taking cosmetic surgeries

Be Careful With Chewable Vitamins Before And After Surgery

How you handle your body before surgery and during recovery are the key to your health. Some doctors even mention that side-effects of taking vitamins are the ones that complicate the health. Among which are the issues of bleeding, swelling, or inflammation. Additionally, high blood pressure and changes in blood sugar can also make your life at risk. Especially for those who just had their bariatric surgery, your body can’t absorb or digest chewable vitamins properly. On the other hand, patients are given a three-week period before and after surgery to take their vitamins and supplements. Those individuals taking multivitamins and herbal supplements should know the correct ones to take during this period.

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Achieving Full Surgery Recovery

If you’re wondering how to recover without taking vitamins for the first three weeks, you’re not going to miss out. It is excellent if a patient can improve naturally by eating food according to their diet. Usually, the doctor mentions the safest nutrition plan alongside the proper rest. A family member, relative, or friend should remember that hygiene is also part of the cosmetic surgery recovery. All in all, a patient must avoid vitamins and herbal supplements that promote thinning of the blood that results in bleeding and bruising. Don’t forget to follow your doctor’s prescription on taking medication as well as resting as much as you can. Water also helps flush the residue of these food and medicine intake. 

When Can You Retake Vitamins?

Your surgery recovery may take an ample amount of time. So after three weeks, you’re starting to regain your energy again. While planningChewable Vitamins Doctors Recommendation After Surgery your energy buildup, take vitamin B5, Vitamin C, Bromelain, Vitamin A and Zinc. These few vital supplements can already restore the lost nutrients in your body. It also helps if you take chewable vitamins or liquid versions of herbal supplements so that your body can absorb them faster. A patient must recover nutrients for their bones, eyesight, as well as their muscles. Since the patient is always on the bed and immobile for some days, it is excellent to find vitamins that promote their muscle growth. Ask your doctor if there are other vitamins and supplements you must take after a few weeks of recovery. 

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Other Precautions For Cosmetic Surgery Recovery

After talking about the vitamins and minerals, it’s time to go to practical risks that go along a speedy recovery. A patient must avoid smoking that lowers the immune system and decreases the oxygen in the blood. Also, alcohol can thin the blood or have a blood clot on your arteries. Your bowel movement is also essential, so minimize your food intake. Always stock up water in your body as well. If you must, speak to your surgeon or nutritionist to check the other guidelines while you have a recovery

Author: b5supp

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