Vitamin B5 is a revolutionary way to fight acne that is just starting to come into mainstream use. Knowledge of its benefits have been relatively unknown until 1997 when Dr. Lit-Hung Leung, M.D. published his studies on B5’s effects in preventing acne. Through years of research, he obtained results that are quite astonishing. The American medical community and the public have been slow to recognize the great effects of B5. It has had more success in Asia and Hong Kong where the studies originally began and where the medical industry is structured differently (more info on the research and studies).
As a result this may be the first time that you’ve heard of vitamin B5. The news has been spreading mostly through newsletters, acne message forums, back pages on the Internet, and by word of mouth (links to acne message forums that provide first hand REAL and OBJECTIVE accounts of the great benefits of B5). With the power to eliminate the vast amount of acne suffering in the world and protect so many from the terrible side effects of Accutane (isotretinion), our hope is that people and the medical community alike will start realizing the great benefits of vitamin B5 (why hasn’t the medical community started realizing this already).
Unlike prescriptions used for acne, B5 is not a drug but an all-natural vitamin that’s found on the table of common vitamins.
B5 is an essential substance to the body and is consumed as part of our everyday diets. It’s found in things such as red meat, broccoli, soybeans, fish, whole-wheat bread, eggs, mushrooms, peanuts, eggs, liver, yeast, mushrooms, and cashews.
However, the amount found in these everyday foods is too small to assist in the fighting of acne. To be effective B5 needs to be taken in high amounts with the other components in our specially formulated Evolution-X B5 Supplements.
How it works – the importance of B5 as an essential nutrient.
While you may have heard that acne is caused by different factors including bacteria, increased levels of dead skin cells, inflammation, stress, diet, the immune system, poor hygiene, etc… the truth is that these are merely secondary-causes.