Calcium Supplements For Kids (Facts That Parents Must Know)

Calcium Supplements For Kids Facts That Parents Must Know

A child’s body goes through many changes. Most of the time, their physical body will need nourishment to continue growing. However, a kid’s daily meal may not be enough to give the right amount of vitamins and nutrients. It is essential to have Calcium, Iron, Fiber, Vitamins A, B12, D, and E. Furthermore, a family doctor can prescribe supplements appropriate for your kid’s age. Some medicines taken by young kids can have harmful effects due to its ingredients and substances. Moreover, other labels don’t have a Food And Drug Administration (FDA) approval. It is the parent’s responsibility to know which dietary calcium supplements for kids are safe. 


Strong Bones, Strong Body

During childhood, many growth plates are still forming and developing. What are the growth plates? These are soft tissues near the end of the upper and lower limbs. They are part of the skeletal framework of a person that needs calcium and other vital nutrients. Why is it crucial to have a balanced amount of calcium supplements for kids? The bones in the body help other organs function. Without strong bones and the foundation of a stable skeletal system, people may suffer from bone diseases like Osteoporosis. Among the supplements and vitamins needed, Calcium, Vitamin B12, B5, and D are the best for more muscular legs, arms, hands, and feet. 


Benefits of Calcium For Everyday Use

Minerals like calcium are often found in food sources like dairy products, fish, and leafy greens. Calcium helps the muscles move appropriately, helps our blood to clot, aids in nerve impulses, and maintains the heart’s regular rhythm. There are more benefits to calcium that most people are not aware of. It is essential that the daily intake of calcium is done at an early age. The absorption of minerals on dietary plans is not as efficient during adult and elderly stages. Here are other benefits that make it necessary to have calcium supplements for kids. 

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For Cell Growth

Calcium Supplements For Kids

Did you know that dead cells also have a purpose in the body? That’s right; nails are created from the keratin in old cells accumulated through time. Our body works for live cells to transfer oxygen in the blood for other body parts to respond. The bones protect the internal organs that carry these cells for growth and development. 


Stronger Teeth

Probably, one of the most critical aspects of a person’s health is the way they take care of their teeth. A diet with a continuous intake of a calcium supplement for kids can decrease the chances of having tooth decay or tooth loss. Moreover, cavities, germs, and other bacterial infections may not cause your child to suffer from toothache. Yet, parents should manage their kid’s dental hygiene by consulting their trusted dentist. 


Supports The Spinal Cord

More than the skeletal system, calcium helps the central nervous system as it protects the nerves and the spinal cord. The calcium in the spinal cord protects both men and women against bone disorders like Osteoporosis. Although it is vital to consume at least 1,000 mg for ages 4 to 8 and at least 1300mg for 9 to 18 years old. Furthermore, a supplement should not be a food replacement. A kid should get his or her dairy diet plans from a well-balanced meal.


Renewing Bones

Bones naturally decay every day due to the movement and expansion of the body. While the stored deposits of calcium in bone tissues are received through food, children also grow in height. Hence, it is best to start investing in calcium and vitamin D for bone support. Bones need to have continuous vitamins and supplements to avoid easy fractures and injuries in the bones.

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Solidifies The Muscles

The muscles contract allows people to move their arms, feet, and hands for walking and holding items. Calcium helps the interaction of actin and myosin in muscle fibers that helps contraction and allows neurotransmitters to signal the musculoskeletal system. Not only is calcium the only supplement that muscle fibers for health. Without Vitamin D, our body can’t absorb calcium properly. Parents should look for rich sources of both calcium and vitamin D to ensure their kid’s health. 


Which Diseases May Harm A Person’s Bone? 

People are only familiar with osteoporosis that usually happens for older adults and the elderly. However, bone disorders and illnesses may happen to a baby, a toddler, or a young child. Impact fractures, accidents, and other injuries may increase the risk of bone diseases. Check out these other bone diseases that you may ask from your local orthopedic or bone doctor. 


  • Juvenile Osteoporosis
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Parathyroid gland disorder


Are Calcium Supplements For Kids Safe?

If you want your kids to get the fullest mineral intake that calcium supplements are offering, you must be careful in buying a supplement. Calcium carbonate, citrate, and magnesium are among the options found in various supplement and healthy living stores. Many of these items are also safe for kids as long as advised by a pediatrician or a doctor. On the contrary, too much liquid supplement, gummies, and other forms of tablets for calcium may have adverse effects. High levels of calcium can also be toxic and cancerous, which is also called Hypercalcemia. A child with bone loss disorder should also get medical prescription regarding dosages, everyday intake, as well as the duration of the supplement. 

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Natural Sources Of Calcium

Calcium Supplements For Kids Meat Fish Dairy

If you’re looking for other sources of calcium aside from the various supplement choices in the market, then you should start at the basics. Many of these supplements, vitamin items, and liquid products are available in your local grocery store or supermarket. However, efficient absorption of calcium from vitamins and supplements are a priority. Don’t forget to check on the food pyramid information prescribed by health authorities online. A dietary plan for babies may also have less serving suggestions than for toddlers or pre-adolescent kids.


  • Dairy Products – Milk, Yogurt, Cheese
  • Seeds, Beans, And Nuts – Fennel, Soybeans, Almond
  • Leafy Greens – Spinach, Collard Greens, Turnip
  • Meat Products – Red meat, Fish, Egg, Chicken


Consult A Pediatrician Before Buying Supplements

What a baby may require for their day to day calcium supplement intake may be less than what your toddler or young child needs. A pediatrician or a dietician will be able to prescribe what babies and toddlers need. Ultimately, people must check rich vitamin-based meals and stick with calcium carbonate, citrate, and magnesium supplements.

Author: b5supp

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